
What's on


Right To Equality

Right To Equality is a non-profit organisation creating change through legal reform in the UK. Our mission champions gender equality under the law and advocates for women’s and girls’ rights. By reshaping legislation, we strive to build a world where justice and equity are accessible to all, regardless of gender.

For more information, click to their website here.

Behind the Gown

Behind the Gown was founded in 2017 at the height of the global #MeToo movement.

Where imbalances of power exist, bullying and harassment can thrive. All too often fear inhibits these behaviours being challenged.

We shine a light on conduct which threatens equality. Behind the Gown seeks to reveal and uncover — a means of holding power to account.

For more information, click to their website here.

Her Bar gives the following 3 pieces of advice when networking at the Bar...

1. Do your research before attending the event. Have a look at the attendee list and make a note of 2-3 people you’d like to speak to at a given event. Have a look at their websites/ profiles and think of some questions to ask.

2. Remember FORD when thinking of topics to discuss:
Family, Occupation, Recreational and Dreams

3. Remember to follow up on connections made.
Send a LinkedIn invite or a follow-up email to arrange a meeting after the initial event